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01. Hope Springs*EAL students (English as Additional Language) do NOT have to buy this book
02. The GiverFirst book studied *EAL students (English as Additional Language) do NOT have to buy this book
03. Gathering BlueNEW FOR 2024-2025, International English students only, Italian strand students do NOT have to buy this book
04. MYP Life Sciences: a Concept Based Approach: Print and Online PackPaperback version mandatory, but online version also available. Covers MYP 1-3
05. MYP Physical and Earth Sciences: a Concept Based Approach: Print and Online PackPaperback version mandatory, but online version also available. Covers MYP 1-3
06. New KS3 Science Complete Study and PracticeFOR NEW STUDENTS ONLY - OPTIONAL as additional workbook resource for practice
07. Individuals and Societies for the IB MYP 2Paperback version is mandatory for MYP Humanities study.
08. Antologia: L’avventura più grande vol.2*IAL students (Italian as Additional Language) do NOT have to buy this book
09. La sfolgorante luce di due stelle rosse*IAL students (Italian as Additional Language) do NOT have to buy this book
10. Nel mare ci sono i coccodrilli*IAL students (Italian as Additional Language) do NOT have to buy this book
11. Per questo mi chiamo Giovanni *IAL students (Italian as Additional Language) do NOT have to buy this book
12. Detective Conan*IAL students (Italian as Additional Language) do NOT have to buy this book
13. I viaggi di Gulliver *IAL students (Italian as Additional Language) do NOT have to buy this book
14. Dieci piccoli indiani*IAL students (Italian as Additional Language) do NOT have to buy this book
15. Go! Geografia oggi! Volume 2 Gli Stati d'Europa + Atlante 2 PAPER VERSIONEither this paperbook OR the digital version below in green
16. L'ora di storia - L'Età moderna Quarta edizione (Volume 2 + Atlante storico) Either this paperbook OR the digital below
17. Matematica in azione: idee per imparare 2 Quarta edizione